I love art. I paint, I write, I sometimes sculpt and draw. I’ve only taken it up the last couple of years and someone asked me if I considered myself an artist. I said I think so, but I wasn’t sure. Am I an artist? Can I call myself one even though I didn’t go to school for art and I don’t to it full time? What if I wanted to pursue being an artist full-time? What if I already have enough money to retire and live comfortably, but wanted to chase being an artist? Would I be less of an artist because I’m not struggling? This is not meant to be rhetorical. Does an artist need to be in adverse conditions to make great art?
What does it mean to be an artist? Is it anyone who creates art? One answer I got from a prominent career painter was that if one is able to make a living, paying their bills with their original art that they were an artist. I find two things wrong with that idea. First, what about the extremely talented individuals who create incredible art as a hobby? How are they not artists? And second, if the intention is to sell your art are you not “selling out?” How is that reconciled with professional artists? I have sold some pieces, but I find the whole transaction foreign. I paint because I want to learn how to paint and find a voice and style that is my own which is part of the fun. At this stage, however, I am amassing a collection of paintings that are taking up a lot of space so what do I do with them? I will likely try to sell them. I only have so much wall space after all. Am I still an artist? Does this make me more of one?
In having a similar discussion with a friend, he told me about an artist friend he had that drew and painted, but she did it just for her and never showed anyone. That’s wonderful for her, but imagine Picasso, Van Gogh, Warhol, Rembrandt, Haring, and any great artist did that. We wouldn’t have their art nor the artists they inspired. Don’t get me wrong, I completely respect and support any artists decision to do whatever they like with their art, but I think a part of art, for me anyway, is to make something out of nothing for whatever reason and to share it with the world. I also fully acknowledge that it is nice to have people like your art and say so. It’s definitely part of being an artist.
I believe there are no real rigid rules around art. My beliefs lie with anyone that creates art and can find solace or joy from it, is a full fledge artist. Some people may call me an artist and others may not as the definitions will vary according to their own definitions. One thing is sure however, you can bet that when my daughter hacks up a piece of paper with her crayons I’ll be praising it as art and her skills as an artist.
This post was originally published on Medium.
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